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This unique Heirloom is harvested at 1800 metres above sea level in the Yirgacheffe district - one of the most premium coffee sites in the world. Upon harvest, It is usually inspected by a panel of adjudicators who decide on the grading, from 1-5 (1 being the highest). This crop received 88 cupping score.
The coffee has a richer, heavier and more complex profile with floral, tropical fruits, notes, mango and passionfruit. It is a truly phenomenal and juicy cup especially for filter.
NOTES: Floral, Tropical Fruits, Mango, Passionfruit. Citric acidity, sweet.
Cupping Score 88
City+ Roast
350g; 1Kg available
Whisky Barrel Coffee Laphroaig 2008 Cask - Limited Edition
Whisky Barrel Coffee - Auchentoshan 21 Weeks
Whisky Barrel Coffee - Auchentoshan 18 Weeks